The Thought Behind LiAF
Living in Art Foundation is formed as a unit of AIMA‘s social awareness campaign for music and musicians. In the days of Raj (lastly the British) “Indian culture and heritage" had a great marketability globally. But pathetically it was all about gems, jewellery, sculptures, bronzes and of course the palm-leaf manuscripts and paintings.
In the last days of the monarchy and after the dawn of independence, Indian performing arts suffered a great deal. The artists all of whom identified with the freedom movement including myself in my adolescence were given the short shift – in the larger canvas of a place in the society.
My Guru the great doyen of Carnatic Music - Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavathar succinctly summed it up when the then President of India Dr. Radhakrishnan - while he was adorning him with the President's National award proudly asked him as to the great service that the popular government is towards fine arts.
He replied to Dr S Radhakrishnan that - "In the pre-independence days there were over 600 Kings and thousands of Lords and Zamins and Zamindars all over the country hosting, honoring and even pampering those great achievers in Fine Arts - music, dance theatre and folk arts. They were taken care of at all stages of their lives especially when they were super talented – by giving them houses and retainers to live comfortably in the autumn of their lives. But the new government did away with all the monarchy and perpetuated the great patronage by giving one award each. For every identified discipline note- that all were not considered. All those thousands who could not catch the eyes of the Cultural Ministry, Ministry of Home Affairs and others who matter."