Achaarya Nipuna, conceived by the Legendary Guru Padmabhushan Dr TV Gopalakrishnan, is a 16-month (12+4) comprehensive diploma program in Music Teacher Training, intended to train and create self-employed musicians with the necessary skills needed to create successful career opportunities as music teachers. It emphasises on the foundation and principles of contemporizing music education through unique music teaching techniques and methods and personality development.

Achaarya Nipuna is a Finishing School program for Music Educators which encompasses in-depth music education in TVG Training Methodology (TTM) in all Indian genres, but also includes languages, communication and soft skill training.

Achaarya Nipuna: LiAF Aspirants

AIMA supports deserving candidates of the program with free accomodation, food in addition to a Stipend to enable them to train and complete the program successfully.

Aspirants Trained
Aspirants On-Roll

Enquiry Form

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